The Lexington Cluster Housing Study Group analyzes zoning bylaws and applications for multi-family housing with the goals of identfying:
challenges with existing bylaws and recommending improvements
ways in which proposed developments can be optimized to better serve current and future Lexington residents
Article 34 to comply with the state's MBTA Communities zoning law was adopted by Town Meeting on 4/12/23 by a vote of 107-63-1.
In the run-up to Town Meeting, LCHSG participated in crafting two modifications to the Planning Board motion that would have limited the pace of growth:
The first, an amendment authored by the members of the LCHSG, called for a phase in of districts. Under the proposal roughly half of the districts and acreage would become immediately available for development, and the second half would become available five years later, in 2028. This would have provided more control of the rate of development. The proposal and related discussion can be found here Article 34 LCHSG-An Amendment proposal to phase in development. The amendment was withdrawn when LCHSG chose instead to work on an alternative approach with the Amendment Working Group.
The Amendment Working Group (13 members) proposed a substitute motion to reduce the MBTA-Communities acreage to 134, of which only 97 were "by-right" development. The motion also incorporated height limitations where overlay districts adjoined residential neighborhoods. The compromise process we followed is explained here. The slides from the Amendment Working Group's presentation can be found here. The motion failed in Town Meeting on 4/10/2023 by a vote of 80-85-7.
LCHG's housing-related postings to the Town Meeting discussion forum
How Does the MBTA-Communities Law Relate to Affordable Housing
The Logic of Reverse Musical Chairs - The Regional Effect of MBTA-C Zoning in Lexington
How Would a 0.5 Parking Space per Unit Minimum Affect Lexington?
What Affects the Likelihood of Development in MBTA-C Districts?
We Estimate 500-700 Units of Housing Will Be Built in Ten Years for the Proposed MBTA-C Districts
Image: Cutty Grove, Oregon